Tuesday, November 15, 2011

some things are just timeless...

And one of these things is the band

The Cars.

The Cars were a "New Wave" rock group based in Boston that began in the late 1970's.  "New Wave" rock was at first considered synonymous with punk rock, but then became it's own genre when it was consistently characterized by synthesizers and electronic sounds. 

The band originally had five members:
Ric Ocasek, the lead singer and rythym guitarist,
Benjamin Orr (he was also born in Lakewood, which is pretty cool), the other lead singer and bassist,
Elliot Easton, the lead guitarist,
Greg Hawkes, the keyboardist, and
David Robinson, the drummer.

The foundations for the band was laid when Ocasek and Orr met in Columbus, Ohio in 1973 and decided to cover rock n roll songs as a duo.  They soon relocated to Boston, thinking it was a better place to break into the music buisness.  In Boston they met their future keyboardist Greg Hawkes, and the three performed in several bands together over the next several years.  They later met their future guitarist Elliot Easton in Boston and formed the band Cap'n Swing along with several other musicians.  They later booted out the other musicians and brought in drummer David Robinson, and The Cars were born.

So, why were they called The Cars?
Robinson came up with the name, and Ocasek said in a later interview that they all loved the name because,

"It's so easy to spell; it doesn't have a 'z' on the end; it's real authentic. It's pop art, in a sense."

The band's prime years were from 1976 to 1974, where they had many great hits.  The one that is probably the most well-known and loved is "Just What I Needed"

And, yes I as well wish I had as much dancing talent as that audience.

Other great hits from the band include

See what I mean? (;

The Cars broke up in 1988, and they vowed they would never, ever, ever get back together.  Ocasek even said in an interview,  "I'm saying never and you can count on that."  But, I'm sure many people are happy he was wrong, because then in 2010, the four remaining members of the band reuinted and released an album, Move Like This.  Benjamin Orr had unfortunatly passed away in 2000 due to pancreatic cancer :'c

Their new album was actually really good, despite the band taking a 24 year break c;  The best songs on the album are Blue Tip, Too Late, Free, and Hits Me.  But here's the whole album lineup:

That's all for now. kthxbaiiiii. c:

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Alright. I'm SO ready for this week to be over.
I pretty much feel like poop today, I even went home sick. I think it's the first time I've actually gone home sick since the third grade or something like that. So, get yoself prepared for quite the random blog cx

So, to start off, here's some songs you should definitely listen too :]

 "Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance, five hour phone conversation, the best soy latte you've ever had, and me?"

Anyways, moving on.  So second thing is, I'm pretty excited cause this Saturday, after I sell some mattresses for band (I really don't understand how that's gonna work. I mean how many people could possibly need mattresses at the same time? A lot of organizations do mattress sales I guess though...) I'm going to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the first time EVER. SUPER PUMPED. :D

I'll probably blog about that next time :D

And third, I might as well blog about this because it's fresh in my mind. But anyways, so for my movie review assignment I watched Across the Universe.  It might be surprising that I haven't seen it all the way through, seeing as though I'm a pretty big Beatles fan.  But anyways, here's pretty much what I thought of it.
So, first off, I thought they did a FANTASTIC job with all the songs. Their wasn't any cover I was dissapointed with.  I especially loved Hold Me Tight, With A Little Help From My Friends, Hey Jude, I've Just Seen A Face, All My Loving, and All You Need is Love. 

The story plot is centered around the star crossed love affair between Jude Finney (Jim Sturgess), a poor artist from Liverpool, and Lucy Carrigan (Evan Rachel Wood), an upper class American girl from New York.  They fall in love, but their face many problems that are focused around the Vietnam War.  Lucy is actively involved in the anti-war movement because her first boyfriend, Daniel, was killed in the line of duty and her brother, Max, was recently drafted.  The film is pretty historically accurate, portaying riots and protests in New York and at universitites, and showing the Detroit race riots.

Of course, the movie is filled with all the best Beatles songs. And there's some pretty cool Beatles references in the movie too.  The main characters have names that all reference Beatles songs, such as Jude (Hey Jude), Lucy (Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds), Max (Maxwell's Silver Hammer), Sadie (Jude and Max's landlady, named for the song Sexy Sadie. She is also supposed to be a reference to Janis Joplin), JoJo (The guitarist in Sadie's band, named after "JoJo" in Get Back. He is supposed to be a reference to Jimi Hendrix), Martha (Jude's mother, a reference to the song Martha My Dear), Doctor Robert (played by Bono, a reference to the song Doctor Robert), Molly (Jude's girlfriend back in Liverpool, is a reference to "Molly" in the song Ob-La-Di, Ob-La,Da), Prudence (Jude & Max's friend, a reference to the song Dear Prudence), and Rita (Prudence's friend, in reference to the song Lovely Rita).

Other than that, there's some dialouge spots in the movie that reference Beatles songs even if they weren't sung in the movie, such as when Prudence first enters Sadie's apartment through a window. When Sadie asks where she came from, Jude responds, "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window."

But, I would warn you that although the movie is very well done, it's sort of, "artistic" I guess you could call it.
In other words, it sort of made me feel like I was on an acid trip.
Not that I know what that feels like, but I imagine this movie gets pretty close in some scenes when it gets crazy with all the psychedelic colors and random dancing trolls and circus people.

But, other than that, I thought it was pretty good. Wooo :]

Anyways. That's all for now. Deuces.