Saturday, December 17, 2011

Once again, I will be talking about The Beatles c':

hey guys! so, if you're not sick of me talking about The Beatles yet, you should listen to this one thing when I say:


and oddly, enough, it took me literally half an hour to come to the conclusion to which Beatles album people should listen to if they only listen to one.  BUT THEY ARE ALL GREAT AND PERFECT IN THEIR OWN WAY~

The album was released November 22, 1963.  After it's release, the album stayed at the top of the charts in the UK for 21 straight weeks.  The album was also rated #420 on Rolling Stone Magazine's top 500 albums of all time.

The album listing is as follows:

I think the reason this album is a great one is because I think it is where the Beatles really started refining their songwriting skills (although Till There Was You, Please Mister Postman, You've Really Got A Hold on Me, Roll Over Beethoven, and Money (That's What I Want) were covers) that propeled them into the mass amount of popularity they gained.  These songs were right before The Beatles popularity skyrocketed during "Beatlemania" and the songs are just really quality. They are really catchy and still have a little bit of that '50's swing leftover in them.

But, the two albums that came in a close second place were Help! and Rubber Soul.  But, really, there is not a Beatles album released that doesn't have a musical masterpiece on it. just listen to all their stuff c;

Monday, December 5, 2011

"you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change." -tay swift :]

HULLO. so first off, based on my title, you proably coulda guessed i'm gonna be talking about Taylor Swift for a little while. pretty much, i don't know, everything's seemed pretty stressful lately.  a lot of people i've thought would always be there for me haven't, and a lot of things have really put my life into perspective and made me realize just how lucky i am.

and a lot of times, when i get super stressed or upset i honestly feel like taylor swift is my therapist or something, because her songs say EXACTLY how i happen to be feeling at the moment, A LOT of the time.

hahah that may sounds weird, but that's what happens. haha & in addition to having really good songs, she seems like one of the most down-to-earth celebrities EVER, and i like her because of that too. c:

She's pretty relatable too, she came from a humble start just living with her family on a christmas tree farm when she was little, and started singing at festivals and such when she was 10, then moved up to singing the Star-Spangled banner at the '76ers game when she was eleven.  She then learned a few guitar chords from a family friend and began writing songs. She later moved to Nashville and got her current record deal with Big Machine Records. And viola! There's Taylor Swift.

Saw her live when I was in eighth grade ;D take a gander at my amazing photography skills c;

She recently released a music video to go along with her single "Ours", and despite many criticisms that's it's boring or just more of the same thing she's always done, I LOVE IT~

here it is, you can decide for yourself~

Some other great songs of Taylor Swift's you should listen to are:

So, I just have to say, I'm super super indecisive about whether she's good live or not.  Because there is clips out there or when I've seen her on TV and she's sounded But when I saw her in concert she was absolutely fantastic! But I figured that maybe it was just cause I was so excited about the concert that she just sounded awesome. But, these next two videos are about the two coolest videos ever, I'm super happy I found them and can't stop listening. I guess there sorta proof that she can be really good live c:

Drops of Jupiter Cover

Fearless/I'm Yours/Hey Soul Sister Mashup

dat be alll for now.
emily c: