Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hi, I'm Emily.

"Music can change the world because it can change people."

Hey! This will be my first official blog for journalism class. Anyways, just so you know a little bit about me, I'm currently 16 and just started my junior year. If you were looking for me, the places I would most likely be are the high school, as band takes up a lot of my time; at Arby's, my current place of employment; at the beach; in my sunroom trying to teach myself to play guitar; or hanging out with my friends. My favorite food is cheesecake and if I could travel anywhere, I would go to Paris. And that's pretty much it :] My blog will be about music, music news, music history, and just a bunch of other randomness that somehow relates to music. I wanted to write my blog about music, because quite frankly, I just love it. I listen to all types of music. Literally anything.  My favorite artists are The Beatles, Elvis Presely, The Rolling Stones, All Time Low, Billy Joel, Blink-182, Boston, Joan Jett, The Who, Nicki Minaj, The Kinks, Lady GaGa, The Offspring, OK Go, Taylor Swift, and Vampire Weekend. I'm really involved with the band program at our high school, I used to play the flute, but then I switched to playing the french horn for concert band and the mellophone for marching band. I'd like to say I play guitar, but that would be lieing. Haha I'm trying to teach myself though :]  But anyways, I hope you enjoy my blog! 

1 comment:

  1. I love Nicki Minaj, OK Go, All Time Low, and of course Tswizzle, too!
