Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So, I can't really lie. My favorite band of all time is The Beatles. I can't help it. It's just some weird obbsession that I have. Pretty much ask me anything about them, and nine times out of ten I probably would know it.

So, about a month ago, I literally had one of the best days I've had in a long time. I got to see PAUL McCARTNEY in concert, and it was literally the best thing ever.

My friend Paige had called me early on in the summer and told me that she got tickets, and I'm pretty sure I had a heart attack or a nervous breakdown, I'm not really sure. I was so pumped.

So we road tripped down to Cincinnatti to see the concert that was to take place at the Great American Ball Park.  I couldn't believe that I was going to see Paul McCartney of The Beatles, in person. With my own eyes. I was so excited.

So after purchasing some really awesome but EXTREMELY overpriced and not very high quality T-shirts, we took our seats.

 I pretty much went into shock when McCartney came on stage and began the show.  Then, after I got out of that, I actually started to enjoy the music. 

He opened with Hello Goodbye, which he performed extremely well (Well. Duh. He's Paul McCartney.) Then he played Junior's Farm and after that he performed All My Loving. During that song, I had a total fan-girl moment. It's pretty much my third favorite song of all time, so hey, it's understandable.  I tried to videotape that one, but I was jumping around so much that it didn't really work out... Me, Paige, and the three ladies next to us did manage to get yelled at during this song by the stadium security though. All five of us were jumping up and down, clapping, and singing along to the song, and apparently the people behind us didn't appreciate it, because they didn't want to stand up and they complained to security.  We were told that we had to sit down. Which made me kind of mad, because, heck, if I just wanted to sit down and listen to Paul McCartney I could sit on my couch at home and listen to my iPod. For Pete's sake, I was at a CONCERT. But, those people ended up leaving halfway during the concert anyway (I still don't understand why you would do that, but whatever). So after that, we were free to stand up. I thought that was pretty stupid though...but enough of that.

He then performed a slew of AWESOME songs, which included Jet, Drive My Car, Sing The Changes, Night Before (which he hasn't performed live in 18 years!), Let Me Roll It, Paperback Writer, Long and Winding Road, 1985, Let 'Em In, and Maybe I'm Amazed (which personally I think is an incredible song).

He then did I've Just Seen A Face, which is a song off The Beatles's album Help! I've Just Seen A Face is one of my favorite songs EVER. My second favorite of all time to be exact :] But that was definitely one of my favorites that he performed, because I love that song. It's catchy and I love the message. He also didn't perform I've Just Seen A Face at any of the other venues on this tour. So I thought that was pretty awesome.

McCartney then followed that with I Will, Blackbird, and Here Today (it's such a sad, emotional song but it's soo good!).

He then performed Dance Tonight, which is one of his newer songs. It was released on his 2007 album "Memory Almost Full". But the song was very well performed and it amazes me that after all these years McCartney can still produce amazing songs.  He's just that awesome.

McCartney then performed Mrs. Vandebilt and Eleanor Rigby, two absolutely amazing songs.  He the made a tribute to his former band mate George Harrison.  He sang one of George's greatest songs ever, Something, while playing the ukelele and having a slide show about Harrison play in the background. It was great!

He followed that with his hit from his time with The Wings, Band on the Run.  He then performed Obla Di Obla Da, which also was one of my favorite songs he performed that night because he got the entire crowd involved and singing along.

Then he performed Back in the USSR, I've Got A Feeling, and A Day in the Life.  He then performed Let it Be, which was really awesome. I think that is honestly one of the best songs ever written, and I couldn't believe I was getting to see it performed live. It was one of the only songs I didn't tape, because I kinda just wanted to soak it up. It was AMAZING.  He then performed Live and Let Die, which is an awesome song, but it was one of my favorites in the show because of the awesome visual effects that were added. They were tons of fireworks shooting out of the top of the stage and flamethrowers spewing flames everywhere on stage. He then followed that up with Hey Jude.  Hey Jude is one of my favorite Beatles songs, as cliched as it is to say that. It was just awesome to know that I saw it performed live by a former Beatle. He also got the whole crowd involved in that one, which was SO MUCH FUN. Everyone knows the ending to that song, so after awhile McCartney just stopped singing all together and let the crowd finish the song. Let me tell you, singing along to Hey Jude with 15,000 people is a pretty good time. 

That was the end of his real, planned show, but of course, he decided to do some encores. He performed Lady Madonna, Day Tripper, and Get Back.  McCartney left the stage for the second time after he was done belting out those songs, and the crowd kept chanting for him to come back. And, thankfully, he did exactly what we asked :] He then came back to perform Yesterday and Helter Skelter. He then officially concluded the show by doing the Abbey Road Medley, which includes the songs Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, and The End.

All in all, I though the concert was ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. McCartney was so involved with the crowd throughout the concert, which just made it really awesome and fun for everyone. I'm pretty sure I linked arms and sang "Na, na, na, na, na, na, na," about 50,000 times in a row with people I didn't know, and will probably never see again, but it was just so awesome.

At the beginning of the show, there were two people in the crowd near the stage that had written two signs. One said, "Paul, sign my wife!" and the other sign said "I'm the wife, sign me!". Before the show ended, McCartney brought them both up on stage and had them introduce themselves to the crowd. Then, he actually signed the lady's shoulder, writing "Let it Be" and then his signature.  She then went to get the signature inked over and made into a tattoo. Words cannot even BEGIN to explain how jealous I am. Hahah my mom told me if Paul McCartney ever signed my shoulder, she would let me get a tattoo of it, and the only reason she said yes is because she said she knows it'll never happen. Well, whatever, I can still dream :]
Click here to see the article about this lady that got the tattoo...it's actually really cool

In general, it was just an amazing concert. I mean how could it not be. It's Paul McCartney. But I LOVED every second of it!


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