Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Life...

So, I guess there's a couple of things I'm gonna blog about tonight.  One, I'm going through one of those phases where I feel like I can only listen to like, five songs. and that's it.  So right now, I'm currently obsessed with:

So, onto the second part of my blog.  I included Good Life in my playlist because I've listened to it pretty much constantly for the past week. This past Friday was Senior Night, and it was actually, surprisingly, pretty emotional for me. Us underclassmen in band made the seniors a slideshow that showed them from their freshman year until now, and Good Life was the first song that played.  We also made them each a little plaque thing with their name on it, and everyone could sign it.  I never thought I would actually cry, but I did.  It's so weird, because these are the kids that helped me around the high school my freshman year, and made the past two years of high school as enjoyable as they were, and next year, they won't be here.

I'll always think of them as my sophomores, and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to meet all these amazing people and can call some of them my best friends. I think I speak for a bunch of people when I say, Class of 2012, you will definitely be missed <3

And in other words, before I go, I also have more sad news.  Paul McCartney is now married. Again.

Oh well. Maybe someday he'll realize we're meant to be ;]

That's all for now :]