Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This Day in Music History...

So, this blog's due Friday, but I'm gonna do it today cause this week is BUSYYYYY.
So, I decided to see what happened today that was significant in the music world.

In 1963, The Beatles kickstarted their tour in Sweden by recieving bad reviews from a local pop reviewer, who said that the "Fab Four" should be grateful to the obnoxious screams of their fans that drowned out the group's "terrible performance".  He then added that The Beatles "were of no musical importance whatsoever and that their local support group, The Phantoms, decidedly outshone them."

So, first of all, I wondered why he could ever think that. And second, I decided to muddle through the interwebs and find out just who "The Phantoms" were.  This is literally the only video I could find...so here I give you the group that "outshone" The Beatles:

But, to be honest, I don't think it's half bad ;D

Today in 1964, The Rolling Stones performed for the first time on the famous Ed Sullivan Show, playing their hits "Around and Around" and "Time is On My Side".  “I promise you they’ll never be back on our show again,” were Ed Sullivan's exact words after riots broke out in the studios during their performance.  But, they ended up returning another 5 appearances on the show. 

Then, in 1986, for the first time in the history of EVER the top three spots on the Billboard Hot 100 were occupied by female artists. Cyndi Lauper's  "True Colors" triumphed at the No.1 position, followed by Tina Turner's "Typical Male" at No.2, then Janet Jackson's "When I Think Of You" settled at No. 3.
So, kudos to these three lovely ladies.

And, in conclusion, Happy 27th Birthday to Katy Perry! 
Your arm got bitten off by a shark? you're a firework. Hailey. *

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